Your alderperson should be responsive, proactive, knowledgeable, and hard-working.

And that’s exactly what I’m committed to bringing to our community in St. Louis’s 9th Ward.

Michael, a white man with short brown hair, kneels to high-five a young constituent, whose dad is smiling and holding campaign literature. Michael is running to defeat Alderwoman Tina Pihl and Alderman Mike Gras.

My name is Michael Browning, and I am proud to be your alderperson in St. Louis’s new 9th Ward. I know that St. Louis has a lot of work to do, and the challenges facing the City are large, systemic, and decades in the making.

From holding slumlords accountable, to improving our streets, to fighting for ethics reform at the Board of Alderpersons, this job won’t be an easy one. It will take leadership that is connected to constituents, and quick to respond to their needs.

Our community is worth it.

Stay in the know about how politics affects our lives.

Now more than ever, it’s hard to keep track of what your government is doing and why it matters. This year, I will be offering monthly updates on some of the most important happenings in St. Louis politics in a brand new, policy-only newsletter. To read the latest post or get the newsletter in your inbox, head to the links below.

A movement is only as good as its team. I’d love to have you on mine.

Tell me what matters to you.

Checks payable to:

Committee to Elect Michael Browning

4431 Oakland Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110